Mining 4 Beer – Smithers

Get ready as we are having a Mining 4 Beer event in Smithers this Thursday October 27 from 4-7pm at the Bulkley Valley Brewery. This international event is making its premier in northwest BC. How big is this? In October other events are taking place in Vancouver, London (England), Saskatoon, Sun City, South Africa, Winnipeg, St Johns, and Sudbury

General group rules: 
1. BYOW (bring your own wallet) after all we are social, we’re not socialites
2. Pitchers no pitching
3. We’ll talk about Ores, Cores and pass on the sores
4. Students & Miners encouraged
5. We accept wine, liquor and fortified alcohol that’s licensed
6. Swap cards / stories and opinions on ales, lagers, reds, whites & others in the fan club. You are not a Miner unless you are #Mining4beer

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